
Early bird registration opens on 15 February 2025.

Registration Fees Early Registration Fee –
From 15 February Until 15 March 2025
Standard Registration Fee –
From 16 March to 30 April 2025
Onsite Registration Fee –
From 1 May 2025
IAHR Member S$1,250 S$1,600 S$1,920
Non-IAHR Member * S$1,600 S$1,800 S$2,160
IAHR Member – Low Income Countries ** S$1,100 S$1,280 S$1,540
Non-IAHR Member – Low Income Countries */** S$1,400 S$1,440 S$1,730
Student (IAHR Member) *** S$950 S$1,120 S$1,350
Student (Non-IAHR Member) */*** S$1,200 S$1,280 S$1,540

* The Non-IAHR member’s registration fee includes a one-year IAHR membership

** Low Income Countries are the Low, Lower-Middle and Upper-Middle income economies defined according to the World Bank Country and Leading Groups. Click here to check the Country Classification data.

*** Student – status must be certified – An official supportive letter from the institution, signed by the head of the department confirming your status, or a valid status ID card must accompany the registration.