Workshops and Masterclasses

The call for proposals is now closed. For any questions, please contact

Click here for the list of accepted Workshops and Masterclasses.


We invite proposals for workshops to be held as part of the pre-conference programme during the day before the congress starts. Proposals from all congress themes and subthemes and organisers of all levels of seniority are welcome.

The typical duration for a workshop is one full day (6 to 8 h) half-day workshops can also be accommodated.

Evaluation process

A workshop or masterclass needs to be validated by the International Scientific Committee (ISC) and the National Organising Group (NOC) of the Congress in order to verify that the scientific level of the session’s content is consistent with the level of the other sessions. The validation process is the following:

  • Proposals are sent through the congress website according to the established form and deadline.
  • Proposals must include a title, brief description and a list of potential speakers.
  • Final decision on the selected sessions is taken by ISC and NOC and communicated on time to the convener(s).

Organiser(s) responsibilities

Organiser(s) will be responsible for the design and organisation of the workshop or masterclass, which will have an estimated duration of 6 to 8 h in the case of workshops and 1 hour and 30 minutes in the case of masterclasses. They are fully responsible for mobilising everything necessary for the session. The speakers in the workshop must be fully registered at the Congress.

Key dates

  • 15 February – Early Bird Registration Opens
  • 23 February – Nominations for IAHR Global Water Awards Closes (Extended Deadline)
  • 28 February – Deadline for Author Registration
  • 15 March – Early Bird Registration Closes

  • 22-27 June – 41st IAHR World Congress Singapore