Workshop: Practical Aspects of Hydraulic Design for Water Pipelines

Convenor: José Adriasola-Velasco, Chile

The proposed workshop would focus on practical aspect of hydraulic design for water pipelines. Although this is “classic hydraulics” not involving big challenges from a theoretical standpoint, several practical aspects not found in textbooks are relevant to ensure a successful and effective water conveyance system. This implies having a multidisciplinary mindset at some extent, which is especially important for the leading discipline: hydraulic engineering.

The workshop would cover:
  • Basis of design: lifespan of the facilities, flow range, pipeline utilization, water quality, pipeline route, maintainability requirements, environmental requirements, communities, general performance requirements, etc.
  • Hydraulic steady state analysis: optimal pipeline diameter, material selection, decision on using an internal liner/coating, corrosion rates (if applicable), pressure profile, pipe wall thickness distribution, pumps selection, main operation modes, filling and draining, determining basic operation and control rules, defining alarms and actions, etc.
  • Hydraulic transient analysis: “what if” analysis, determining the need of mitigation devices, determining special operation and control rules, etc.
  • Practical design aspect derived from all the above. Topics such as safety, performance, efficiency, hydrostatic testing, startup, operability and maintainability will play a key role in this course: Dos and Don’ts around these aspects will be valuable information for the attendants.

The methodology will consist in developing 1 pipeline project step-by-step. Through this exercise, the attendants will walk through a real water pipeline design process, using international codes and standards, and other technical references which supports decision making along the way. Emphasis will be given to practical design aspects supporting different phases of the overall facility.

The proposed course is a response to the need of raising awareness to young engineers (targeted audience) in the linkage between basic theory and practice. Also, as a positive side effect, the course would help making the participants aware about the existence and activities developed by the IAHR EPD committee and the TFWG.