Masterclass: Nature-based Solutions for Flooding and Water Management Resilience in a Changing Climate
Date: Sunday, 22 June 2025
Time: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Fee: S$100
Convenors: Ellis Penning, Prof Catherine Wilson and Prof Fotis Sotiropolous
The masterclass will begin with an introductory lecture which covers the concept of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and generic aspects of NbS design and siting. This will be followed by two sessions, a morning and an afternoon session, where group-based discussions with two instructors and a selected group of students discuss their PhD proposals or their on-going research project. The morning session will focus on process-based research to characterise and quantify hydraulic and hydrological processes in a field and laboratory setting. The afternoon session will focus on quantifying NbS from a modelling perspective, considering aspects such as input data requirements, and spatial and temporal resolution for capturing different scale processes using either a hydrodynamic, hydrological and/or a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. Each participant will have approximately 45 minutes to discuss their work in detail. Participants will be asked to submit/give a ten-minute presentation to the group at the beginning of their time slot.
The Introductory lecture will cover the following:- What are nature based solution (NbS) for flood and water management resilience?
- The type of NbS approaches that have been used in diAerent environments around the world
- How do we measure NbS eAectiveness and what are the indicators?
- Scheme scale and spatial scale of monitoring
- Modelling scales for Flood models and CFD models
- Challenges in NbS implementation
- Stakeholder and landowner engagement aspects.
*Includes 2 x coffee / tea breaks only